- 2007-01-27 08:34:56
- zhanghongbiao
- 原创 33799
a bed of roses
A: Finally my elder sister got married.Her husband loves her so much and made her a bed of roses.
B: A fortunate woman!
a lucky dog
英美的文化习俗有许多与狗有关的习语,但往往并无贬义,如:Every dog has its good day. “凡人皆有得意时。”
A:Did you watch the horse race last night? The black horse got the first again.
B:Yes, and I bet 1000 dollars on him.
A: Really? You lucky dog.
B: Wish you good luck, too.
a pain in the neck
词的本意是从看戏而来——如果一个坐在中间的人不断进进出出,相信你的脖子也会痛的。现在a pain in the neck已经不仅仅指戏院里那些不安分的观众,还可以进而代指一切让人头疼的人。
A: Alice asked us if we wanted to go the cinema with her and her friends?
B: No, I don't. You might not know that she's a pain in the neck.
A: Really? She seems quite nice and good.
B: I had a date with her once before. It was horrible.
all that
A: I finished my paper a week ago.
B: Jesus! You're all that!
A: Well, maybe I just started early.
all your swans are geese
A: I have prepared for the English test for a whole week, but I just got a "B".
B: I am sorry to hear that. It seems that all your swans are geese.
an angle
A: San has just married Susan, you know?
B: Is that most wealthy girl in his company?
A:That's right, but she is an angel to him. That's to say Sam does not really love her.
B: Poor Susan!
around the corner
A: When he party be held?
B: It's around the corner, maybe the day afer tomorrow.
as long as your arm
A: They say the admission committee are voting for the applicants who apply for the MBA program
B: I am eager to know the result. But how long do you think I'll have to wait for the final decision?
A: As long as your arm. They have a lot of other things to do.
B: But I cannot let things drag along like that.
A: Yet you cannot force them to do things for you either.
at the crossroads
2007-09-19 16:51:49
2008-10-06 10:20:42