百度的崛起(The Rise of Baidu ) (中英版本)
- 2006-12-29 13:33:55
- zhanghongbiao
- 原创 10125
1998年的夏天,在一次硅谷的野餐聚会当中,34岁的生化学家徐勇(Eric Xu)将一名略微有点腼腆的年轻人李彦宏(Robin Li)介绍给了当时雅虎搜索引擎小组的负责人吴炯(John Wu)。
确实,1999年,在那次野餐聚会的1年后,李彦宏在中国成立了自己的公司,名叫“百度”(英文发音为:by-DOO)。今天,百度公司拥有着价值30 亿的市场,而且是世界上第四大流量的网站。更重要的是,百度目前正进行着其它互联网公司没有能力去做的:在本土市场上打败Google和雅虎。
并且,分析家认为,中国的企业家能够熟练的运用一些手段去打击美国互联网巨头。花旗公司(Citigroup)中国市场分析师杰森·布鲁什克(Jason D. Brueschke)说:“在全球占统治地位的美国互联网公司,即便提供更多的资金和更强大的品牌支持,但他们没有能够在任何类别里获得市场第一的位置。这说明这个市场和其他市场相比,是有本质上的不同的。”
他顺利的进入了布法罗纽约州立大学攻读计算机科学的博士学位,但是却越来越对学术生涯感到失望。在1994年,他完成了硕士学位后,就加盟了道琼斯 (ow Jones & Company)公司参与开发《华尔街日报》的线上资料库。在那段时间里,他迷恋上了硅谷文化和硅谷技术。他将大部分的时间花在了互联网领域初期的难题:如何对信息进行排序。
Infoseek公司那时的手机技术威廉·张(William I. Chang)在那次会议上遇见了李彦宏,并且将他挖到Infoseek公司负责搜索引擎的开发。
这俩搭档最初从硅谷风险投资商Integrity Partners和Peninsula Capital那儿融到了120万美金。利用这笔资金,他们回到中国,在北大资源宾馆里成立了百度公司。9个月后,也就是2000年9月,另外两家风险投资商Draper Fisher Jurvetson和IDG Technology Venture又投入了1千万美金。
“我们当时对搜索是抱着怀疑态度的,”百度董事会成员之一、来自Integrity Partners公司的斯科特-沃尔切克(Scott Walchek)说道,“但是我们并没有李彦宏聪明。他说他有一个独一无二的建立一个独立搜索品牌的机会。事实证明,他是对的。”
IN the summer of 1998 at a picnic in Silicon Valley, Eric Xu, a 34-year-old biochemist, introduced his shy, reserved friend Robin Li to John Wu, then the head of Yahooˇs search engine team.
Mr. Li, 30 at the time, was a frustrated staff engineer at Infoseek, an Internet search engine partly owned by Disney, a company whose fading commitment to Infoseek did not mesh with Mr. Liˇs ongoing passion for search. Like Disney, Mr. Wu and Yahoo were also losing interest in the business prospects of search, and Yahoo in a colossal corporate blunder eventually outsourced all of its search functions to a little startup named Google.
Mr. Xu, who had called together some friends for a documentary he was making on Silicon Valley, thought the two search guys would hit it off. Mr. Wu says he exchanged greetings with Robin Li, but what most impressed him was that despite all of the pessimism surrounding search, Mr. Li remained undaunted.
¨The people at Yahoo didnˇt think search was all that important, and so neither did I,〃 says Mr. Wu, who is now the chief technology officer at the Chinese Internet company Alibaba.com. ¨But Robin, he seemed very determined to stick with it. And you have to admire what he accomplished.〃
Indeed. A year after the picnic, in 1999, Mr. Li founded his own search company in China, naming it Baidu (pronounced ¨by-DOO〃). Today, Baidu has a market value of $3 billion and operates the fourth-most trafficked Web site in the world. And Baidu is doing what no other Internet company has been able to do: clobbering Google and Yahoo in its home market.
While Baidu continues to gain market share in China and does so with a Web site that the Chinese government heavily censors and that gives priority to advertising rather than relevant search results some analysts question whether Baidu can withstand competition from Google and Yahoo, which possess superior technology and global work forces.
But Baiduˇs evolution, and Mr. Liˇs journey as an entrepreneur, offer textbook examples of the payoffs and perils of doing business in China and suggest that Baidu may prove to be far more resilient than some analysts believe. China has a population of 1.3 billion, about 130 million of whom are Internet users, an online market second in size only to the American market. Because China is the worldˇs fastest-growing major economy, analysts consider it the next great Internet battleground, with Baidu uniquely positioned to prosper from that competition.
In exchange for letting censors oversee its Web site, Baidu has sealed its dominance with support from the Chinese government, which regularly blocks Google here and imposes strict rules and censorship on other foreign Internet companies.
In addition, analysts say, entrepreneurs in China have a knack for pummeling American Internet giants. ¨The globally dominant U.S. Internet companies have failed to take the No. 1 market share position in any category,〃 says Jason D. Brueschke, a Citigroup analyst, of the Chinese market. ¨And they came with more money and major brand names. And so thereˇs something fundamentally different about this market.〃
So fundamentally different, Mr. Brueschke believes, that Baidu will retain its hammerlock on the Chinese search industry. ¨The real battle in the competitive landscape is not about whoˇs No. 1, itˇs about whoˇs going to be No. 2,〃 he says.
Google, of course, will have none of this, stressing the independence of its search results and the international reach it offers users. ¨People want information and they want global information,〃 says Kaifu Lee, the president of Google in China. ¨We canˇt be bought.〃
But Mr. Li says Baiduˇs model is working supremely well and that the company has built a loyal base of users who value its search capabilities. ¨At the end of the day, if a user finds relevant information, theyˇll come back,〃 he says.
ON its corporate Web site, Baidu says that it takes its name from a Song Dynasty poem written several centuries ago that ¨compares the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for oneˇs dream while confronted by lifeˇs many obstacles.〃
Mr. Li, born Li Yanhong in 1968 in what was then an impoverished city 200 miles southwest of Beijing, is familiar with lifeˇs obstacles. The fourth of five children, he grew up during Chinaˇs brutal Cultural Revolution. Despite the oppression that surrounded him, he said he was always able to focus on stamp collecting, performing traditional opera and other interests including, eventually, computers. He was bright enough to get into the countryˇs most prestigious school, Beijing University, where he majored in library science and dabbled in computer science.
The government infamously cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989 when Mr. Li was a sophomore, causing his college campus to be shut down. Mr. Li is mum on the events that followed, saying only that he was apolitical. But he does say that a year later he started thinking of studying abroad and that by the time he graduated in 1991 he was ready to leave his homeland.
¨China was a depressing place,〃 he says. ¨I thought there was no hope.
2006-12-31 12:33:04
2006-12-31 11:08:10